The Overwhelmed Mommy Blog

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I've Got My New Shades On

Sponsored with love by Zenni + Shopping links
Photography by Briana Lindsey Photography

Want to know what typically happens to sunglasses (and regular glasses) in our house? They break. Thank you, Ava! Ava loves wearing mommy and daddy's sunglasses but she seems to think that her face is a whole lot wider than it really is.

Here's how it typically goes:

Step 1: Ava's face lights up as she gets a hold of any pair of glasses or sunglasses she can find around the house.
Step 2: She looks at us with that smirk that says, "I know I shouldn't have these but they make me so happy."
Step 3: She opens them up to put them on, further and further and further until...
Step 4: POP! She breaks the arms off.

Just last week, she broke the arm off of Frank's glasses and we still haven't gone in to get them fixed (aka get a new pair since I don't think they're fixable). Why? Probably because the hassle of going in, waiting in line, ordering a new pair, waiting for the new pair to get here, going back in to try them on, etc, etc, etc is just overwhelming. Who has time for that? Not I!

And on top of that? Glasses aren't cheap. Well, typically.

Whether you want to own multiple pairs of sunglasses as new trends come in but don't want to spend a fortune on your collection (or is that just me?) or don't have the time or energy to go in and order new prescription glasses and want to be able to do it all from the comfort of your home while the kids are asleep, then Zenni is going to be your new favorite place to shop online for glasses and sunglasses.

A couple of reasons I love Zenni Optical:

- they have adult AND kids glasses and sunglasses (options for the whole family!)
- they're inexpensive glasses but still have the quality (that's always nice to hear)
- you can customize them (choose a frame and then you pick the shade, prescription, lens color, etc)
- online ordering (win!)

If you're looking for adorable + affordable kids glasses and sunglasses or just need to order prescription glasses online because your one-year-old daughter broke yours and your boxer ate the backup pair, then head on over to Zenni and get that browsing started!

Oh yeah, and check out the sunglasses Ava and I got from Zenni. We're totally rockin' our new shades...especially little Miss Ava :)