Dear Husbands, We appreciate your sacrafice.

Dear Husbands, We appreciate your sacrafice.

Photos by Briana Lindsey Photography

So many articles seem to flood my Facebook feed about stay at home moms:

"Why being a stay at home mom is stressful"
"Why stay and home moms deserve more credit"

To the working dads with stay at home wives -- The Overwhelmed Mommy -- Mommy Blogger

...etc, etc, etc...blah, blah, blah. You've seen them, I'm sure you have.

And I'm going to have to agree. I totally get it. No one understands us because they aren't in our shoes and I am a prime example of that.

Before I was a stay at home mom, I thought the same thing as an outsider looking in. "What does she possibly do all day?" was the question I was baffled over every single day and even to this day, I can't answer it. All I know is that the clock must move faster for stay at home moms because there's never enough hours in the day and sometimes at the end of the day, I look back and realize that I didn't get a single thing accomplished. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

It's stressful and it's hard. It's really really hard. I'm in those shoes now and I get it.

Well back in July I was kind of getting sick of seeing so many moms complain about their husbands not understanding how stressful their lives were at home and it's true. And we need to vent it out. But you know what? We've got spouses on the other side of the spectrum too. So what about them?

I wrote this blog post back in July but we could all use reminders in life so I'm re-posting it again today for you all to read.

To the working parents with stay at home spouses: This one's for you.

To the working dads with stay at home wives -- The Overwhelmed Mommy -- Mommy Blogger
To the working dads with stay at home wives -- The Overwhelmed Mommy -- Mommy Blogger
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