6 Ways to Start Each Morning with Positivity

6 Ways to Start Each Morning with Positivity

Thank you to the Chinet® brand for sponsoring this post.

I don’t know how my mom did it. With four girls who all did just about every activity and sport that exist here on this Earth, I really have no idea how she kept it all straight and kept a smile on her face. I’ve got just one [almost] two-year-old daughter who does ballet, gymnastics, and soccer, and I feel like I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Just last Friday we showed up to a soccer practice that apparently wasn’t happening and I’m over here like, “How the heck do people do it with more than one kid?”

Motherhood is rewarding and motherhood is beautiful, but we all know that it can be stressful and it can be hard and I don’t know about you, but there are some days when I feel like I’m failing. I feel like my head isn’t screwed on right and I feel like I just can’t do it any longer…and sometimes that all happens before 9am.

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I’m a firm believer in starting my day in a way that sets the tone for the rest of my day. But hear me out, I definitely don’t practice what I preach, but that’s something I really am working on in my life. It’s funny that my blog is called “The Overwhelmed Mommy” because these days, that’s exactly how I feel.

But you know what? I’m the only one that can change that, and I’m the only one that can ensure I live a happy and beautiful life in this journey we call motherhood. And that starts every single morning.


Mom Inspiration - 6 Ways to start your morning with positivity -- Mommy Blogger - The Overwhelmed Mommy

Every single morning we have the opportunity to wake up happy. We have the opportunity to start a new day with a clean slate, with a fresh outlook and with a smile. So I’m making a list – it’s a list of things I can do to start my mornings off right because if I can get to 9am with a smile on my face (or at least a positive outlook on my day), then you’d better bet my days will be a lot less overwhelming.

Here they are – 6 Ways to start your day on a positive note.

1. Coffee

Whether you like to drink coffee, tea or even a morning smoothie, that single cup of your favorite thing can do wonders. I know the common joke about moms always having to drink their lukewarm coffee at 1pm, believe me, that is pretty common over here. We don’t always have the time to drink that much-needed cup…oh wait, now you do.

Mom Inspiration - 6 Ways to start your morning with positivity -- Mommy Blogger - The Overwhelmed Mommy

I don’t know why I never discovered it until now, but these Chinet® Comfort Cup® insulated hot cups are straight glorious. Whether we’re running out the door to soccer practice or we’ve got to drive out to a morning photoshoot, I love that I now have a way to quickly and easily take my coffee with me on the go. No matter how busy I am and how fast we’re running out the door, I can conveniently make my coffee at home, carry it with me wherever we’re going, and even better, that double-layer insulation keeps my coffee nice and hot. No lukewarm coffee drinking happening over here anymore!

Chinet Comfort Cup insulated hot cups are convenient, high quality, super sturdy and heck, they’re even super cute, which is always a plus.

Step 1 to starting every morning off right: complete.

Mom Inspiration - 6 Ways to start your morning with positivity -- Mommy Blogger - The Overwhelmed Mommy

2. Makeup

I rarely wear makeup, but when I do, man I feel great. I feel accomplished and feel beautiful and I don’t know about you, but it really just puts me in a great mood. I’ve gotten pretty quick at putting on makeup these days, but when I don’t even have 10 minutes to spare, even some lipstick or a layer of mascara does wonders.

3. Smile

Back in college, I read something that said it’s impossible to smile and be sad at the same time. Seriously, stop what you’re doing right now and try it. It’s impossible. So start your morning off with a smile and I promise, you’ll thank yourself for it.

4. Motivational Quotes + The Bible

Whether you enjoy reading the Bible or inspiration quotes, read one single sentence every morning that inspires you and motivates you and helps you be the best you that you can be.

5. Get Dressed

I get it – yoga pants and baggy sweaters are cozy and comfy and yes, of course they’re still considered “getting dressed” but look back on a day when you threw on a dress or a jeans and a top and your favorite pair of boots. My guess is that you had a pretty accomplished day, right? At least it totally works for me!

6. Lists

Create your To Do list for the day and do it. Actually do it. Don’t make it too long and don’t make it too short – make it just right and get it done. If you create a list in the morning and know you’re going to get it all done, I promise you’ll have a much more successful day.

Now I want to hear from you – what quick and easy things to you do in the morning to start your day off right?

Mom Inspiration - 6 Ways to start your morning with positivity -- Mommy Blogger - The Overwhelmed Mommy

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own. Chinet® and Comfort Cup® are registered trademarks of Huhtamaki, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.

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